Yes, certain risk factors like being older or having relatives with ulcers increase the odds that you’ll get an ulcer, too. You might not have any power over who’s in your family, but there are other risk factors you can control to avoid developing an ulcer.
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Ulcer Prevention: Dealing With Helicobacter pylori
The Helicobacter pylori, or H. pylori, bacterium is the leading cause of ulcers; in fact, it causes two-thirds of all ulcers.
This bacterium affects a lot of people — up to half the world’s population, by one estimate. Scientists believe H. pylori bacteria are passed from person to person, either through fecal matter or orally. Contaminated water also could play a role.
If your doctor tells you that you have H. pylori, take all the antibiotics you are prescribed to make sure you get rid of the infection and don’t pass it on. Be sure to wash your hands frequently to help prevent its transmission.
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) include aspirin and ibuprofen, and they are a major cause of ulcers. You can help prevent NSAID-related ulcers with these steps:
- Follow your doctor or pharmacist’s instructions for taking NSAIDs.
- Learn to read labels on medications so that you don’t take NSAIDs without intending to. For example, many people may not know that some cough and cold medicines have NSAIDs in them.
- Talk to your doctor about managing pain and fever with other methods if you find you need NSAIDs more often than your doctor recommends.
- Find out what you can do to protect your stomach while taking NSAIDs. For example, some studies show that taking acid-reducing medications called proton pump inhibitors may help prevent ulcers among people who regularly take low doses of aspirin.
Although H. pylori infection and NSAIDs account for the majority of ulcers, there is a subgroup of people who have ulcers, but don’t have an H. pylori infection and don’t use NSAIDs. While emotional stress is not the ulcer maker it was once thought to be, stress is known to make ulcer symptoms worse.
These patients often experience significant stress in their daily lives, says Patrick I. Okolo, III, MD, MPH, chief of endoscopy at Johns Hopkins Hospital and assistant professor of gastroenterology and hepatology at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore.
“I think it’s important for most gastrointestinal illnesses, but more so in peptic ulcer disease, to adopt some form of release — yoga, exercise, or massage," explains Dr. Okolo, adding that he also encourages a generally healthy lifestyle for ulcer patients.
People with severe stress and ulcer problems should consider cognitive-behavioral therapy, Okolo says. Cognitive-behavioral therapy helps a person change behavioral patterns, such as substance abuse and eating disorders.
Ulcer Prevention: Other Steps to Take
Although H. pylori bacteria are common, they do not make everyone sick. That means lifestyle choices, like smoking, probably are at play. These lifestyle changes may have a positive role in preventing an ulcer:
- Don’t smoke. People who smoke are more likely to have an ulcer and their ulcers are also more likely to be slow in healing.
- Don’t drink. Cut back on your drinking or skip alcohol completely, especially when you are using NSAIDs.
- Be physically active. There is some evidence from a study of 2,416 Danish adults that moderate physical activity can reduce your risk of peptic ulcer.
- Eat a diet rich in fruits and vegetables. A comprehensive review of published studies related to ulcer prevention shows that eating a lot of fiber from fruits and veggies may help reduce your risk of ulcer. Vitamin A, found in many vegetables, is also helpful.
- Take antacids or ulcer medications as instructed. If you have an ulcer or a history of ulcers, taking the medications your doctor recommends to treat ulcers can help your stomach heal and prevent more ulcers.
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